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Corporate Massage

Corporate chair massage- the growing corporate practice with many benefits!

Employees and employers of small or multi-national corporations are sure to benefit from the convenience of onsite massage. Implementing a corporate massage program for regular, occasional or one time visit has many benefits. It will help employees restore a sense of wellness, calm and relaxation thereby reducing workplace stress and improving productivity.


  • Increases employee’s productivity and focus
  • Enhance corporate culture and appeal to potential employees
  • Decreases employee absenteeism and turnover
  • Promotes employee’s sense of appreciation


  • Relieves anxiety and stress
  • Boosts immune system & lowers blood pressure
  • Reduces headaches and muscle aches
  • Improves sleep quality


Corporate chair massage is given sitting comfortably face forward on our specially adapted chair over the participant’s clothes. The massage can last anywhere from 10-15 min depending on your needs and focuses on shoulders, neck, and upper back. It can also include the arms, hands and part of the lower back. It helps release muscle aches and tension.