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Stress and anxiety are the main factors affecting employee’s performance. It costs businesses billions of dollars a year in absenteeism & reduced productivity. Yoga has proven to be one of the most effective ways in helping employees relieve stress, be more efficient, make better decisions and increase productivity.

Our customized classes vary in style and intensity offering a gentle to a more upbeat session. We will get to know your employees and recommend the type of practice most suited. They will leave each class feeling refreshed, relaxed and re-energized.


  • Increases employee loyalty, retention and productivity
  • Boosts team morale, happiness and job satisfaction
  • Reduces employee absenteeism
  • Promotes team spirit
  • Reduces work & stress-related injuries
  • Enhances company reputation and appeal to potential employees


  • Help reduce stress, anxiety, depression and fatigue
  • Improves confidence, happiness, productivity & energy
  • Promotes team spirit
  • Enhances employee relations
  • Improves employee’s focus, concentration and decision-making skills
  • Improve posture, strength, flexibility & decreases work-related pain
  • On-site location convenience


( Also available on ZOOM! )


An introductory class to the basis of yoga and meditation. Participants of all levels are invited to challenge themselves through slow paced yoga postures while practicing breathing, stretching and relaxation techniques. The instructor focuses on bringing the group to a quiet mental state in order to eliminate mental chatter and help relieve stress.


Move to the beat of music and relax to the sound of silence. This class begins with core strengthening and body toning exercises followed by yoga postures with guided meditation to promote peace and relaxation. Participants will leave feeling physically and mentally regenerated.


No required space, mats or props! This class teaches your employees postures that will help loosen and stretch painful muscles, reduce stress, and improve circulation without breaking a sweat. It targets the areas of the body that are most impacted by sitting at a desk all day. These exercises can easily be practiced on a daily basis at the comfort of their desk. 


This interactive workshop encourages employees to be self-aware of the effects of stress on their lives and provides them with the tools to help manage it. The instructor will guide the group through breathing techniques, meditation, postures and exercises. Employees will be encouraged to ask questions and participate throughout the workshop.


Meditation uses a technique known as mindfulness to help clear your thoughts of all mental chatter in order to achieve a clear and calm state of mind. It helps reduce stress/anxiety, stabilizes blood flow, reduces muscle tension and improves sleep. This practice which allows you to connect with your inner self will strengthen a healthy mind/body connection.